-----Phase 3-----
Wow, what a view! You're in a castle, floating in the sky. There's a large tree in the center, surrounded by clouds. Though it seems illogical, you can somehow stand on the clouds without falling! Instead, it feels soft and comforting. The air is sweet, and there's a slight breeze. You could just relax here forever... were it not for the thundering storm clouds! This is a mysterious place, but it's best not to dwell upon how it all works. Instead, just enjoy your time here, as you'll surely have to move on to do bigger and better things.
Looking more closely, there's actually a lot going on in here! One cloud off in the distance looks like it's... not quite dissipating, but falling apart. It looks like you could tear off a chunk. There's another nearer rain cloud that periodically releases lightning. It's close enough that you could grab a bolt, but that only works in the cartoons... right? Inside the castle is a barrel, seemingly once used by the ă̵͝ň̸̈́g̴̕̚é̷̕l̵̔̊s̸̈́̄ to drink nectar out of. It's empty now! It seems about the right size to fit a person in.
There are a number of indistinct souls playing on the clouds, childishly bouncing around. It's hard to make out a distinct shape of any one soul - they all blend together into a blur of motion and simple fun. If you really focus, you can see a Spooky Ghost chatting with a Shy Guy. It seems they both have very different reasons to obscure their faces!
One of the tree branches is bent, as if something used to be resting there.
Speaking of out-of-place, there's also what looks like an ancient altar off to the side!
From here, you can go to PURGATORY and PLEROMA.
Additionally, you can jump down to the STREETS whenever you want via an instantmove, though you won't be able to get back up to here from all the way down there.