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Trouble on the High Seas
You Are A Pirate! / pirates-code
King Harkinian 26-Jan-22 06:27 PM
CREW PHASE RULES For Crew phase, you have been placed in an area together with the other members of your Crew. Your goal will be to determine your Crew's Captain, and have your say in choosing a Crew Objective. Role Information There are two baseline roles: Captain and Sailor. Each Crew can only have one Captain. The Captain can: -Set the initial Crew Objective -Change the Crew Objective up to 2 times during the game -Choose up to two Mates (First and Second) -Change each Mate 1 time during the game -Have the Crew Objective count for their Personal Objective (optional) -Direct the movement of the Crew's ship while on board -Move on and off their own ship using a !moveinstant Sailors can: -Choose a secondary Skill Role during Ship phase, which each grant special Skills -Move on and off their own ship using a !moveinstant Skill Roles available to Sailors will be explained in the Ship Phase Rules. Each Skill Role will, as the name implies, grant a special Skill to reflect their role in the Crew. There are also two unclaimable Skill Roles: First and Second Mate. These roles are assigned by the chosen Captain at the end of Crew phase. In addition to baseline Sailor abilities, Mates can: -Direct the movement of the Crew's ship while on board, if the Captain is not on board -Apply a boost each phase to either their own roll, or the Captain's -Inherit the Captaincy if the original Captain dies Phase Information The recipient of the Captaincy will be decided by a vote. Discussion will happen during this phase. If you are not seeking the Captaincy yourself, you may be inclined to support the candidate with the proposed Crew Objective you most agree with. At the end of this phase, you will submit your role claim. If you claim Captain, this will include your Crew Objective and Mate selections. If you claim Sailor, this will include your vote for Captain.
Action Items If you claim Captain, please format your !do action this phase as follows:
!do Claim Captain Crew Objective: <Crew Objective of choice> First Mate: <character of choice> Second Mate: <character of choice>
If you claim Sailor, please format your !do action this phase as follows:
!do Claim Sailor Captain Vote: <character of choice>
There is no penalty for claiming Captain and losing the vote. If this occurs, you will have another chance to choose a role during rollover. Please message a GM if you have any questions about these rules.
King Harkinian 27-Jan-22 08:28 PM
SHIP PHASE RULES For Ship phase, you have been placed in one of two areas of your Crew's under-construction ship. These areas are (and will remain) connected by !moveinstant. Your goal will be to contribute to your ship's design, and additionally, choose your own Personal Objective. Shipbuilding Information Each member of the Crew will be able to submit 2 words to be used in the design of the ship's areas. These may be used to formulate mechanical features (such as weapons) or aesthetic features. A player may choose to apply one word to each area, apply both to the same area, or specify no particular area. The ship's name may also be discussed this phase. The Captain will submit the final choice of name. Optionally, each Mate can submit a link to a song to provide music for either area. Ship mechanics will be posted at the beginning of Phase 1, but do note that ships will be able to take damage and have movement speed modifiers. Personal Objective Information Each player will submit a Personal Objective at the end of this phase. This will be an additional goal for just your character, on top of the Crew Objective. Captains may choose to make it the same as their Crew Objective. Skill Role Information If you are a Sailor and not already a Mate, you may choose a Skill Role. Default Skill Roles consist of the following options: Lookout, Surgeon, Gunner, Cook, and Midshipman. There can be more than one Sailor with a given Skill Role. If none is selected, the default is Midshipman. You may submit a Role outside of these, but it will be adapted and balanced appropriately. You will learn the exact effect of your role when you receive your full profile before Phase 1.
Action Items If you are a Sailor, please format your !do action as follows:
!do Design Words: <word 1> (<area, if applicable>), <word 2> (<area, if applicable>) Personal Objective: <objective of choice> [IF NOT MATE] Skill Role: <skill role of choice> [IF MATE] Area Music: <link> (<area>) (optional)
If you are Captain, please format your !do action as follows:
!do Ship Name: <name of choice> Design Words: <word 1> (<area, if applicable>), <word 2> (<area, if applicable>) Personal Objective: <objective of choice, or "Same as Crew Objective">
Please message a GM if you have any questions about these rules.
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King Harkinian 27-Jan-22 08:29 PM
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King Harkinian 27-Jan-22 08:29 PM
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Barbaros 27-Jan-22 08:42 PM
Your crew may agree upon a base image for your ship's areas. Pin a base image in the relevant channel of your ship, and it will be used as a base to augment with your chosen words for the final game.
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Undyne 27-Jan-22 08:42 PM
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AS AN OPTIONAL TASK... You may submit a custom Jolly Roger flag for your ship! Choose someone from your crew to create your flag, and it will be featured within the game visually. You can submit the flag anytime during the design period, it does not have to be ready by this rollover.
King Harkinian 05-Feb-22 05:20 PM
SHIP MECHANICS Map There will be a tiled map that watercraft can navigate. -Any seaworthy craft can move around this map, including your starting ships. The map will have land tiles, which are grouped into clusters that represent areas. -Any ship that is adjacent to a land tile has a movement connection to its corresponding area. -By default, ships cannot move onto land tiles. -Crew members can !instantmove on or off their own ship, but it takes a full phase movement to board a different craft. -A player who takes a phase action in a land area can still move back onto their ship as their full phase movement. Ships Ships have 10 hearts of damage by default. -They can be damaged by ship-based weapons, ramming while in the same tile, and possibly other methods. -It takes an action to fix a ship to heal its damage. -Vessels other than the starting ships will have health amounts that vary. Ships can move 2 tiles per phase by default. -Some features may help a ship move faster. Watercraft can share a tile. -If two ships are on the same tile, or adjacent tiles, crew members can board the other ship as a full phase movement -If equipped with certain features, some ships may allow boarding another as a !instantmove. -With certain features, Captains may be able to have their ship follow another ship that they want to maintain adjacency with. -Ship's weapons will have a given range for combat. Swimming By default players can swim 1 tile without drowning. This means: -If a player enters a water tile, whether by choice, accident, or action against them, they will have the choice of any adjacent area (landmass or watercraft) to swim to. -If the player cannot return to the point from where they entered the water (e.g. if they were pushed off by hostile forces), and there are no other adjacent areas, the character will drown. -Some characters will have exceptions to this. More information will be clarified when the game map is released.
Please message one of the GMs, or post in #the-main-deck, if you have any questions.
King Harkinian 08-Feb-22 07:17 PM
@Seafarer The below map will help you navigate the region where your ships are bound. Included are some of the safe sea routes that have been charted over the years, for a pleasant voyage free from storms and more dangerous things. (edited)
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King Harkinian 08-Feb-22 07:17 PM
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King Harkinian 08-Feb-22 07:17 PM
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King Harkinian 11-Feb-22 09:10 PM
Switching Crews If you wish to join another crew, and thus replace your Crew Objective and ship access with those of that crew, it requires the mutual consent of you and that crew's Captain. It must be officially confirmed as part of your phase actions. If you lose Mate or Captain status by switching, you will have a chance to choose a new Skill Role as a Sailor, assuming you are not assigned Mate status by your new Captain. (edited)
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